


China1-2 years
Regulated in ChinaStocksCommission 0.3%



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Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

Surpassed 44.25% brokers

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Securities license

Obtain 1 securities license(s)


ChinaSecurities Trading License

Global Seats

Owns 2 seat(s)

China BSE

Seat No. 000029


China SZSE

Seat No. 000227


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WikiStock APP

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The gene index is Poor, worse than 42% of brokerage firms.

APP Rating

The APP rating is Good, better than 69% of peers.

APP Downloads

  • Cycle
  • Downloads
  • 2024-05
  • 0.12M

Rules: The data displayed is the downloads of the APP in one year before current time.

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  • China

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  • China Hong Kong

  • Argentina


Rules: The data is displayed as the downloads and regional share of the APP in one year before current time.

Features of Brokerages

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Company Profile

Sinolink Securities
Sinolink Securities
WikiStock Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Account Minimum N/A
Fees High commissions of minimum 5 yuan fee for A-shares
Account Fees N/A
Interests on uninvested cash N/A
Margin Interest Rates N/A
Mutual Funds Offered Yes
App/Platform Mobile App, Online Trading
Promotions Not available yet

What is Sinolink Securities?

  Sinolink Securities, established in 1994 and headquartered in Shanghai, is a brokerage firm in China. It offers a diverse range of financial services, including securities trading, investment banking, asset management, and financial advisory services. The firm's extensive service offerings are complemented by its advanced trading platforms and user-friendly interfaces.

  However, Sinolink Securities' high commission fees, particularly the minimum 5 yuan fee for A-shares, coupled with limited international market access, may not be ideal for frequent traders or investors seeking global exposure.

What is Sinolink Securities?

Pros and Cons of Sinolink Securities

  Sinolink Securities offers numerous advantages, making it a solid choice for investors. The firm is officially licensed and regulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), ensuring compliance with strict regulatory standards. Client funds are kept secure in segregated accounts, separate from the company's operational funds, and the company participates in the Investor Protection Fund, providing an additional layer of security. The company also offers a wide range of tradable securities and investment products with user-friendly trading platform.

  However, there are some drawbacks to consider. Despite its strengths, Sinolink Securities has relatively higher commission fees compared to some competitors. The minimum fee for trading A-shares is 5 yuan, which can be a significant cost for frequent traders. Furthermore, the firm's international market access is limited, which may not cater to investors looking for broader global exposure.

Pros Cons
Compliance with strict regulatory standards Relatively higher commission fees
Wide range of securities for trading Limited international market access
User-friendly trading platform
Licensed and regulated by CSRC

Is Sinolink Securities safe?


  Sinolink Securities is officially licensed and regulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) for a wide range of business activities.


  This firm was previously listed on the China BSE with a Global Seats designation, but its listing is currently closed.


  This firm was previously listed on the China SZSE with a Global Seats designation, but its listing is currently closed.


  Funds Safety

  Sinolink Securities ensures the safety of client funds by adhering to strict regulatory requirements and maintaining robust internal controls. Client assets are held in segregated accounts, separate from the company's operational funds, to protect against potential financial difficulties. Additionally, Sinolink participates in the Investor Protection Fund, providing an extra layer of security for investors.

  Safety Measures

  The company employs advanced security measures to protect client information and transactions. Encryption technology is used to secure online communications and transactions, safeguarding sensitive data from unauthorized access. Sinolink also implements strict internal controls and procedures to monitor and mitigate risks associated with cyber threats and fraud.

What are securities to trade with Sinolink Securities?

  Sinolink Securities offers a diverse range of trading instruments to cater to different investment needs. These include:

  •   Stocks: Investors can trade stocks listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The platform provides access to A-shares, B-shares, and H-shares, enabling investors to participate in the growth of Chinese companies.

  •   Bonds & Fixed income: The broker offers various bonds, including government, corporate, and convertible bonds. These instruments provide different maturities and credit ratings, allowing investors to align their investments with their risk tolerance and objectives.

Bonds & Fixed income
  •   Funds: Sinolink provides access to mutual funds and ETFs, covering a wide range of asset classes and investment themes. This allows investors to diversify their portfolios and gain exposure to different markets and sectors.

  •   Derivatives: Investors can trade derivatives such as futures and options for hedging or speculation purposes, offering additional tools to manage risk and enhance returns.

  •   Other Products: The firm also offers products like warrants, structured products, and margin trading, catering to more sophisticated investors seeking higher returns with higher risks.

Other Products

Sinolink Securities Fees Review

  Sinolink Securities has a structured fee system for various types of securities, ensuring transparency and consistency across different trading activities. The trading fees for Sinolink Securities vary depending on the type of security and the nature of the transaction:

  For A-shares, the commission is no more than 3‰ of the transaction amount, with a minimum fee of 5 yuan. Similarly, B-shares have a commission of no more than 3‰, but the minimum fee is 1 US dollar in the Shanghai market and 5 Hong Kong dollars in the Shenzhen market. Fund transactions (closed-end funds, ETFs, LOFs) also follow the same commission structure as A-shares.

  For bonds, the commission rate is 0.2‰, but the minimum fee varies depending on the market and bond type. In the Shanghai market, the minimum fee is 1 yuan for most bonds, while in the Shenzhen market, it's 0.15 yuan for policy financial bonds, corporate bonds, and deliverable bonds, and 0.1 yuan for the rest. National stock transfer and Hong Kong Stock Connect transactions also have a commission of no more than 3‰ of the transaction amount.

Sinolink Securities Fees Review

Sinolink Securities App Review

  Sinolink Securities provides a range of trading platforms and tools to cater to different investor needs:

  Mobile App: The Sinolink mobile trading app is available for both iOS and Android devices. It is designed for investors who prefer to trade on the go, offering features such as real-time quotes, interactive charts, market news, and the ability to place and manage orders. The app also includes portfolio management tools and access to research reports, allowing investors to stay informed and make decisions from anywhere.

Mobile App

  Web-Based Platform: Sinolink's online trading platform is accessible via web browsers, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for trading and managing investments. Key features include real-time market data, advanced charting capabilities, various order types, and access to research reports and market analysis. This platform is designed to cater to both novice and experienced traders, offering a user-friendly interface with customizable dashboards and advanced trading tools.

Web-Based Platform

Research and Education

  Sinolink Securities delivers high-quality research and educational resources. The research team provides comprehensive reports on industries and companies, covering macroeconomic analysis, sector-specific reports, and detailed stock and bond analyses. This helps investors make informed decisions.

  For education, Sinolink offers a variety of resources, including videos on investing principles and trading strategies, webinars and seminars by industry experts, and a collection of articles and tutorials on fundamental and technical analysis, risk management, and portfolio construction. These resources cater to investors at all levels.

Research and Education

Customer Service

  Sinolink Securities offers comprehensive customer service options to assist clients effectively. They provide a dedicated customer service hotline (95310) and an enterprise QQ customer service number (800195310). For complaints, clients can use the designated email (gjzqts@gjzq.com.cn) or fax (028-86690232). Additionally, Sinolink offers callback hotlines at 4006600109, 4006000842, and 028-69095310 for further assistance. These services ensure clients receive timely and efficient support for their needs.

Customer Service


  Sinolink Securities is a well-established brokerage firm offering a broad range of financial services. Despite its higher commission fees and limited international market access, the company's strengths in product variety, platform usability, research resources, and customer service make it a strong choice for many investors.


  Q: Does Sinolink Securities offer a demo account for practice trading?

  A: Sinolink Securities does not currently offer a demo account, but investors can access the firm's trading platform and explore its features without opening a live account.

  Q: Are my funds safe with Sinolink Securities?

  A: Yes, client funds are held in segregated accounts and the company adheres to strict regulatory requirements, ensuring the safety of your investments.

  Q: What trading platforms are available at Sinolink Securities? A: Sinolink offers mobile and online trading platforms, along with a dedicated terminal for institutional investors, all equipped with advanced features and real-time data access.

Risk Warning

  WikiStock's expert assessment of the brokerage's website data is subject to change and should not be taken as financial advice. Online trading carries substantial risks, including the potential loss of all invested capital, and it's crucial to fully understand these risks before investing.


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Years in Business

1-2 years


Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

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