WikiStock Network Service Risk Warning
WikiStock data comes from the official data of broker regulatory agencies in various countries, such as FCA and ASIC. The content published is also based on the purpose of fairness, objectivity and seeking truth from facts, and no public relations fees, advertising fees, ranking fees, data cleaning fees or gray fees are charged to the securities trading platform. WikiStock will do its best to keep our data consistent and synchronized with data from authoritative data sources such as regulatory agencies, but does not promise to maintain real-time consistency and synchronization with them.
If there is any discrepancy between the data published by WikiStock and the actual situation, please report it to us through the "Complaint" and "Correction" functions of WikiStock. We will verify the information in a timely manner and publish the relevant results.
Special Note: The information listed in WikiStock is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. The securities platform is chosen by the customer. The risks arising from the operation on the platform have nothing to do with WikiStock. The customer must bear the relevant consequences and responsibilities.