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Criteria Details
Soochow Securities
Soochow Securities
WikiStock Rating ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Fees Stock trading commission ranges from 0.0015% to 0.03% of the transaction value, with a minimum fee of 5 HKD per transaction
Account Fees Personal accounts:40 RMB (A-Share) and 120 HKD (Shenzhen B-Share)institutional accounts:400 RMB (A-Share) and 580 HKD (Shenzhen B-Share)closed-end fund accounts:5 RMBcredit accounts:40 RMB (personal) and 400 RMB (institutional).
Margin Interest Rates Calculated daily based on the borrowed amount; specific rates available upon inquiry
Mutual Funds Offered Yes
App/Platform Multiple platforms including Soochow Xiu Cai, Soochow Tong Hua Shun High-End Version, and more
Promotions Occasional promotions and offers

What is Soochow Securities?

  Soochow Securities is a well-regulated brokerage by the CSRC, known for its comprehensive range of trading products and advanced, user-friendly trading apps. It provides extensive educational resources to enhance investor knowledge. However, its fees are relatively higher compared to other brokerage firms.

What is Soochow Securities?

Pros and Cons of Soochow Securities

  Regulated by the CSRC, this brokerage firm ensures compliance with stringent financial regulations and offers a wide range of trading products, including stocks, bonds, funds, margin trading, stock options, and Hong Kong Stock Connect. It employs advanced security measures, such as encryption and rigorous account security, to protect client funds and information. The firm also provides comprehensive educational resources, including articles, videos, and tools to enhance investor knowledge. However, its complex fee structure and potential hidden costs, as well as negotiated fees for institutional clients, may lack transparency and make it challenging for clients to fully understand the cost of services.

Pros Cons
Regulated by CSRC: Ensures compliance with stringent financial regulations. Complex Fee Structure: Fees can be complicated and not fully transparent.
Wide Range of Trading Products: Offers stocks, bonds, funds, margin trading, stock options, and Hong Kong Stock Connect. Service Charges: Various nominal charges for online services and access to advanced trading platforms.
Advanced Security Measures: Utilizes encryption and rigorous account security to protect client funds and information. Potential Hidden Costs: Additional fees for certain services may not be immediately apparent.
Comprehensive Educational Resources: Provides extensive educational articles, videos, and tools to enhance investor knowledge. Negotiated Fees for Institutional Clients: Fees for institutional services are case-specific, which might lack transparency.

Is Soochow Securities safe?

  Soochow Securities prioritizes safety across multiple dimensions:

  •   Regulations: It is regulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), ensuring compliance with stringent financial regulations and standards.

  • Is Soochow Securities safe?
    •   Funds Safety: Soochow Securities provides insurance for clients' account funds, although specific details about the coverage amount would typically be outlined in their client agreement or available directly from their customer service.

    •   Safety Measures: The firm employs advanced encryption technologies to safeguard funds storage and implements rigorous account security measures to prevent unauthorized access and information breaches. These protocols help protect client assets and personal data from potential cybersecurity threats.

    • What are securities to trade with Soochow Securities?

        Soochow Securities provides a comprehensive range of trading products tailored to various client needs:

      Personal Finance

        Securities Trading: Clients can engage in the trading of various securities such as stocks, bonds, and funds. This includes accessing the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for quotation repurchase agreements and the Science and Technology Innovation Board for innovative companies.

        Margin Trading and Stock Options: Investors have the opportunity to leverage their positions through margin trading and manage risk or speculate through stock options.

        Hong Kong Stock Connect: This service allows mainland investors to trade in Hong Kong-listed securities, expanding their investment opportunities to international markets.

        Financial Management and Funds: Soochow Securities offers a range of financial management services, including investment in various funds to cater to different risk appetites and investment goals.

        Online Services: The company provides online account opening, business transactions, software downloads, and online account cancellation for convenience and accessibility.

      Institutional Finance

        Institutional Account Management: Soochow Securities facilitates the opening and management of institutional accounts, providing directed asset management and institutional sales services.

        Capital Intermediary and PB Business: They offer capital intermediary services and prime brokerage (PB) business to support institutional trading and investment activities.

        Soochow Studies: This includes comprehensive research and insights tailored for institutional investors to make informed decisions.

      Corporate Finance

        IPO and Refinancing: The company assists corporations in going public through IPOs and helps in raising additional funds through refinancing.

        Asset Securitization and Corporate Bonds: They offer services in asset securitization and the issuance of corporate bonds to help companies manage their financial structures and funding needs.

        Mergers and Acquisitions: Soochow Securities provides advisory services for mergers and acquisitions, facilitating corporate growth and restructuring.

        Equity Pledge: This involves securing loans or credit through equity pledges, providing a way for companies to leverage their existing assets for financing.

        Each of these services is designed to cater to the diverse needs of individual investors, institutional clients, and corporate entities, providing a comprehensive suite of financial products and services.

      Soochow Securities Accounts

        Soochow Securities offers various account types to cater to the diverse needs of its clients:

      Personal Accounts
      •   Individual Brokerage Accounts: These accounts allow individuals to trade in a wide range of securities, including stocks, bonds, and funds. They come with access to margin trading, stock options, and the Hong Kong Stock Connect.

      •   Fund Management Accounts: These accounts are designed for individuals looking for professional management of their investments in various funds.

      •   Margin Accounts: Enable clients to leverage their investments by borrowing funds to trade.

      • Institutional Accounts
        •   Institutional Brokerage Accounts: These are tailored for institutional investors, providing access to directed asset management and prime brokerage services.

        •   Capital Intermediary Accounts: These accounts facilitate capital intermediary services and support large-scale institutional trading and investment activities.

        • Corporate Accounts
          •   Corporate Brokerage Accounts: These accounts are designed for corporate clients, allowing them to engage in securities trading, IPOs, refinancing, and asset securitization.

          •   Equity Pledge Accounts: These accounts enable corporations to secure loans or credit through equity pledges, leveraging their existing assets for financing needs.

          •   These account types ensure that Soochow Securities can meet the financial and investment needs of individual, institutional, and corporate clients, providing them with a wide range of tools and services to manage their assets effectively.

            Soochow Securities Fees Review

              Soochow Securities has a detailed fee structure for various trading activities and services, which is designed to be competitive and transparent.

            Brokerage Fees

              For trading stocks, the commission typically ranges from 0.015% to 0.03% of the transaction value, with a minimum fee of 5 HKD per transaction. Margin trading incurs additional interest charges, which are calculated daily based on the borrowed amount.

            Fund Management and Financial Products

              Investing in funds and other financial products usually involves a management fee, which varies depending on the specific fund or product. This fee can range from 0.5% to 1.5% annually, based on the invested amount.

            Institutional and Corporate Fees

              Institutional clients utilizing directed asset management and prime brokerage services are charged fees based on the volume and complexity of the services provided. These fees are typically negotiated on a case-by-case basis to accommodate the unique needs of each institutional client. Corporate finance services, such as IPOs and mergers and acquisitions advisory, usually involve advisory fees that are a percentage of the transaction value, often ranging from 1% to 3%.

            Online Services and Miscellaneous Fees

              For online account services, including opening and cancellation, there may be nominal service charges. Access to real-time market data and advanced trading platforms may also incur additional fees, which vary depending on the level of service and features required.

            Hong Kong Stock Connect

              Trading through the Hong Kong Stock Connect involves specific charges, including a handling fee of 0.005% of the transaction value, and other applicable fees as stipulated by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

              These fees ensure that clients have a clear understanding of the costs associated with their trading and investment activities. For the most precise and up-to-date information, clients are encouraged to refer to Soochow Securities' official fee schedule available on their website.

            Soochow Securities App Review

              Soochow Securities provides a range of trading software designed to cater to diverse investor needs:

              Soochow Xiu Cai: This mobile app, available for both Android and iOS, integrates market data, trading functions, and financial news, offering a comprehensive tool for stock trading.

              Soochow Tong Hua Shun High-End Version: An advanced mobile app providing real-time data, robust analysis tools, and enhanced trading features for sophisticated traders on both Android and iOS.

              Soochow Xiu Cai Financial Terminal 2.0: A PC-based platform utilizing AI for market data, trading, and financial management, supporting visualized market analysis, advanced trading, and smart stock selection.

              Soochow Tong Hua Shun Standalone Ordering Program: A standalone ordering program for Windows supporting various market exchanges.

              Yun Chi Fast Trading Platform: This PC platform, available in both VPN and internet versions, provides fast trading capabilities.

              Soochow Hui Dian Options Online Trading Software: A comprehensive PC-based platform for real options trading, offering detailed market analysis and robust trading tools.

              Qian Long Options Treasure: Windows software supporting real options trading with advanced trading features.

              Soochow Options Treasure Mobile Trading (Qian Long Real Trading): A mobile trading app for Android and iOS designed for real options trading, offering robust functionalities.

              Soochow Hui Dian Options Simulation Trading: This PC software provides a simulation environment for options trading, ideal for practice and strategy testing.

              Soochow Hui Dian Options Mobile Simulation Trading: The mobile version of the simulation trading platform, available for Android, offers a practical environment for learning and testing trading strategies.

              These platforms ensure that all types of investors can find suitable resources for their investment activities, from real-time trading and market analysis to educational simulations and advanced trading tools.

            Soochow Securities App Review

            Research and Eduation

              Soochow Securities' educational platform offers a comprehensive array of resources to enhance investor knowledge and skills. The platform includes educational articles that cover a wide range of financial and investment topics, providing in-depth insights and practical advice. Additionally, the site features research reports that offer detailed market analysis and investment strategies, helping investors make informed decisions.

              The platform also provides a rich collection of videos, offering visual and interactive learning experiences. These videos cover various aspects of investing, from basic concepts to advanced strategies. Furthermore, the site includes investment calculators and interactive tools to assist investors in planning and managing their investments effectively.

              By offering a blend of written content, visual aids, and interactive tools, Soochow Securities ensures that investors at all levels can access valuable educational resources to enhance their financial literacy and investment acumen.

            Research and Eduation

            Customer Service

              Soochow Securities offers comprehensive customer support to ensure that clients receive timely and effective assistance. Clients can reach out via email at dwzq601555@dwzq.com.cn or call the customer service hotline at 95330 or +86 0512-62938833. Their support team is available to handle inquiries and provide solutions related to account management, trading issues, and general investment advice.

              The customer support center is located at 5 Xingyang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, providing a physical location for in-person assistance. Additionally, Soochow Securities emphasizes investor education, offering resources and tools to help clients make informed investment decisions. Through various channels, they ensure that clients have access to the support and information needed to navigate their financial journeys effectively.

            Customer Service


              Soochow Securities, regulated by the CSRC, offers a comprehensive range of trading products, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and options. It features user-friendly trading apps and advanced security measures. The brokerage is known for its extensive educational resources, enhancing investor knowledge. However, the fee structure can be complex, and specific details about fund insurance coverage and interest on uninvested cash are not readily available. Overall, it is a solid choice for diverse investors, providing robust tools and resources.


              Is Soochow Securities safe to trade?

              Yes, Soochow Securities is regulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), ensuring compliance with stringent financial regulations. It also employs advanced encryption technologies and rigorous account security measures to protect client funds and information.

              Is Soochow Securities a good platform for beginners?

              Soochow Securities offers user-friendly trading apps and extensive educational resources, making it a good platform for beginners. These resources help new investors learn about trading and make informed decisions.

              Is Soochow Securities legit?

              Yes, Soochow Securities is a legitimate and regulated brokerage, operating under the oversight of the CSRC, ensuring its compliance with financial industry standards.

            Risk Warning

              The information provided is based on WikiStock's expert evaluation of the brokerage's website data and is subject to change. Besides, online trading entails substantial risks, potentially leading to total loss of invested funds, so comprehending associated risks before engaging is crucial.



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Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

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