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Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

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Securities license

Obtain 1 securities license(s)


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Owns 1 seat(s)

China SSE



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The APP rating is Poor, worse than 0% of peers.

Features of Brokerages

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Margin Trading


Company Profile

Shanghai Securities
Shanghai Securities
WikiStocks Rating ⭐⭐⭐
Fees N/A
Interests on uninvested cash 7.90%
Mutual Funds Offered Yes
Platform/APP Shanghai Securities Excellence Financial Terminal,Shanghai Securities Excellence Financial Terminal (VIP Version).etc
Promotion N/A

What is Shanghai Securities?

  Shanghai Securities offers a user-friendly trading platform with multiple versions, including a VIP option, and provides a competitive interest rate of 7.90% on uninvested cash.

  The company also supports mutual fund investments. However, detailed fee information and specific promotional offers are currently unavailable.

What is Shanghai Securities?

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Multiple Tradable Assets(Mutual Funds and Wealth Management) Uncertain Fee Structure
Regulated by CSRC No Diverse Accounts
Many Trading Platform(For Different Products) No Promotion Activities
24/7 Customer Support
Investment Competition In Virtual Account


  Shanghai Securities offers multiple tradable assets, including mutual funds and wealth management products. It is regulated by the CSRC and provides various trading platforms tailored to different products. The company ensures 24/7 customer support and even features an investment competition using a virtual account.


  The fee structure of Shanghai Securities is uncertain, and the company does not offer diverse account options. There are no promotional activities currently available, which may limit incentives for new and existing customers.

Is Shanghai Securities Safe?


  Shanghai Securities is regulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). The CSRC is a ministerial-level public institution directly under the State Council, responsible for maintaining an orderly securities and futures market in China, ensuring legal operation in the capital market.


  Funds Safety:

  Shanghai Securities does not explicitly state insurance coverage for client funds. However, being regulated by the CSRC implies that it adheres to strict financial regulations and safeguards, promoting a secure environment for client funds.

  Safety Measures:

  Shanghai Securities employs encryption technologies to ensure the security of funds storage. The broker has implemented various account safety measures to prevent the leakage of user information, ensuring client data and transactions are secure.

What are securities to trade with Shanghai Securities?

  Shanghai Securities offers a wide range of tradable securities to meet diverse investor needs. These include mutual funds, private equity funds, government bonds, corporate bonds, and a variety of mixed investment products.

  Mutual Funds

  Shanghai Securities provides a wide array of mutual funds, offering clients the flexibility to invest in various asset classes with different risk levels. These funds include equity funds, mixed funds, bond funds, and money market funds, ensuring that investors can find products that match their investment goals and risk tolerance.

Mutual Funds

  Private Equity Funds

  Shanghai Securities offers private equity funds that allow clients to invest in private companies or private placements. These funds are typically geared towards high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors, providing opportunities for higher returns through strategic investments in non-publicly traded entities.

Private Equity Funds

  Treasury Products

  Clients at Shanghai Securities can invest in treasury products, which include short-term government bonds and other low-risk debt instruments. These products offer stable returns and are ideal for risk-averse investors looking for secure investment options.

Treasury Products

  Bond Funds

  Shanghai Securities also provides bond funds, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios with a range of government, corporate, and municipal bonds. These funds offer steady income streams and lower risk compared to equity investments, suitable for conservative investors seeking fixed-income solutions.

  Mixed Investment Products

  For those seeking a balanced investment approach, Shanghai Securities offers mixed investment products that combine equities, bonds, and other asset classes. These products aim to provide both capital appreciation and income, attracting investors looking for diversified portfolios with moderate risk and return profiles.

Mixed Investment Products

  Equity Funds

  Shanghai Securities equity funds focus on stocks from various sectors and markets, offering high growth potential for investors willing to take on higher risks. These funds are designed to capitalize on market opportunities, providing exposure to both domestic and international equities.

  High-Risk Investment Options

  For investors with a higher risk tolerance, Shanghai Securities offers products with potentially higher returns. These include innovative and sector-specific funds, such as those focusing on emerging technologies or high-growth industries, meeting aggressive investment strategies.

  Low-Risk Investment Options

  Shanghai Securities also attracts conservative investors with low-risk investment options like bond funds, money market funds, and short-term treasury products. These options provide stable returns and capital preservation, ideal for those prioritizing safety over high returns.


  Institutional Finance

  •   Investment Banking: Shanghai Securities offers investment banking services including debt and equity financing, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate restructuring.

  •   Asset Management: The company provides customized asset management solutions with a focus on proactive management and risk mitigation.

  •   Research Services: Clients benefit from high-quality research services and insightful market analysis to inform investment decisions.

  •   Efficient Trading Platforms: Institutional clients have access to efficient and reliable trading platforms to facilitate easy financial transactions.

    • Institutional Finance
Institutional Finance

  Personal Finance

  •   Financial Mall: Shanghai Securities' online financial mall offers a variety of investment products and services for individual investors.

  •   Personalized Advisory Services: Clients receive tailored financial advice to help them achieve their investment goals.

  •   Robust Trading Platforms: The company provides advanced trading platforms for a good trading experience.

  •   Professional Financing Options: Services like margin trading are available to provide flexible financing solutions for personal investments.

Professional Financing Options

Shanghai Securities APP Review

  Shanghai Securities Excellence Financial Terminal: Updated on 2024-01-15, this 119MB platform offers a new market layout, supporting fund management, global market information, and various trading services, including ordinary trading, margin trading, and options trading. It features live news broadcasts, stock-related information, industry news, data summaries, and new analysis perspectives.

  Shanghai Securities Excellence Financial Terminal (VIP Edition): Updated on 2024-01-15 and sized at 113MB. This version is exclusive to authorized clients. It adds a VIP menu on top of the basic functions and supports multi-account trading, grid trading, and quick order placement.

  Shanghai Securities Tonghuashun Edition: Updated on 2023-04-07 and sized at 56.5MB. This edition uses the latest Tonghuashun version, supporting multiple market quotes including A-shares, delayed Hong Kong stocks, forex, and global indices. It offers in-depth market services like index contribution, interval statistics, and industry statistics.

 APP Review

  Shanghai Securities Tonghuashun Independent Order Edition: Updated on 2024-03-22 and sized at 13.2MB. This edition supports multi-account trading, batch orders, warrant execution, market orders, and open-ended fund subscriptions.

  Shanghai Securities Qianlong Classic Edition: Updated on 2022-05-16 and sized at 4.45MB. This professional marketing software was developed by Qianlong. It features classic Qianlong indicators and modes, providing fast market quotes for Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.

  Shanghai Securities Zhi-e Pass: Updated on 2024-06-07 and sized at 115MB, this mobile financial service integrates PC, APP, and WeChat platforms for a one-stop experience, providing extensive business services and fast applications.

  Shanghai Securities Options Express Investment and Trading System-PC Version (Production): Updated on 2024-01-09 and sized at 35.5MB, this platform provides trading functions like quotes, T-shaped quotations, contract screening, trading, exercise, and underlying trading.

  Shanghai Securities Options Express Investment and Trading Simulation System-PC Version (True Simulation): Updated on 2023-12-07 and sized at 34.3MB, this real simulated trading platform for stock options offers functionalities similar to the official version.

 APP Review

  Options Express True Demo Trading - Android Version: Updated on 2024-03-29 and sized at 26.4MB, this platform provides real simulated trading for stock options on Android devices, offering quotes, contract screening, trading, and exercise functions.

  Options Express True Demo Trading - iOS Version: Updated on 2024-04-25 and sized at 23.6MB, this platform provides real simulated trading for stock options on iOS devices, offering quotes, contract screening, trading, and exercise functions.

 APP Review

  Shanghai Securities Excellence Edition Stock Options Full True Simulated Trading: Updated on 2023-01-30 and sized at 50.7MB, this platform is exclusively used for participating in the real simulated trading environment of SSE options.

  MD5 Code Verifier: Updated on 2012-06-29 and sized at 180K, this tool verifies the MD5 code of downloaded software to ensure it has not been tampered with.

 APP Review

Research & Education

  Research Services:

  •   Research Reports: This section provides the latest research reports, including industry-specific analyses, such as the Q4 automotive sector financial summary and macroeconomic tracking reports.

  •   Market Information: Offers market news, 24/7 updates, individual stock insights, global market news, and fund dynamics.

  •   Investment Strategy: Advises on short-term defensive strategies based on valuations and long-term growth strategies.

  •   Industry Analysis: Delivers in-depth industry research and reports on sectors like the automotive industry.

  •   Bond Analysis: Tracks bond market performance and provides analyses like the impact of retail performance on bond markets.

Research Services

  Educational Resources:

  •   Knowledge Center: A repository of educational content focused on investment knowledge and trading strategies.

  •   Educational Videos: Features a series of educational videos, such as the “Registration Certificate Lecture Hall,” which covers topics like embracing the registration system and the registration system reform.

  •   Anti-Money Laundering Column: Provides information on legal regulations, customer due diligence, and record-keeping for financial institutions, along with FAQs and news updates related to anti-money laundering efforts.

  •   Investor Protection: Includes updates on company activities, regulatory changes, and special events aimed at protecting investor rights.

  •   Simulation Experience: Offers simulated trading experiences, such as the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect simulation, and investment games to help investors practice and enhance their trading skills.

Educational Resources

Customer Service

  Shanghai Securities provides customer support through multiple channels. Users can reach out for any complaints or suggestions by calling the customer service hotline at 4008-918-918.

  Additionally, there is an online messaging system available for customer inquiries and assistance. The company is dedicated to delivering excellent service and addressing user needs promptly and efficiently.Conclusion

Customer Service


  Shanghai Securities offers a wide range of financial services including personal finance, institutional finance, trading services, and investment research.

  With customer support, advanced trading platforms, and a commitment to investor education, the company attracts both individual and institutional investors, ensuring efficient and secure trading experiences.


  •   How can I contact customer support?

    •   You can contact customer support via the hotline at 4008-918-918 or through the online messaging system.

    •   What types of trading software does Shanghai Securities offer?

      •   Shanghai Securities offers various trading software including the Excellence Financial Terminal, Options Express, and Lightning Pass.

      •   Does Shanghai Securities provide educational resources?

        •   Yes, they offer a range of educational resources including research reports, investor education videos, and market analysis.

        • Risk Warning

            The information provided is based on WikiStock's expert evaluation of the brokerage's website data and is subject to change. Besides, online trading entails substantial risks, potentially leading to total loss of invested funds, so comprehending associated risks before engaging is crucial.


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Years in Business

1-2 years


Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

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