


China1-2 years
Regulated in ChinaStocksCommission 0.3%



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Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

Surpassed 39.59% brokers

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Obtain 1 securities license(s)


ChinaSecurities Trading License

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Owns 1 seat(s)

China SSE



Brokerage Information


Company Name

Myguide Securities Co.,Ltd.

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WikiStock APP

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The gene index is Poor, worse than 68% of brokerage firms.

APP Rating

The APP rating is Poor, worse than 87% of peers.

APP Downloads

  • Cycle
  • Downloads
  • 2024-05
  • 5641

Rules: The data displayed is the downloads of the APP in one year before current time.

APP Regional Popularity

  • Country/RegionDownloadsProportion
  • China

  • Ireland

  • Others

  • Myanmar

  • Armenia


Rules: The data is displayed as the downloads and regional share of the APP in one year before current time.

Features of Brokerages

Commission Rate


New Stock Trading


Margin Trading


Regulated Countries


Company Profile

Myguide Securities
Myguide Securities
WikiStock Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Account Minimum No requirements
Fees Variable, up to 3‰ of transaction value with a minimum of 5 yuan of commissions
Account Fees Transfer fee of 0.01‰ of the transaction amount collected on both sides
Interests on uninvested cash N/A
Margin Interest Rates N/A
Mutual Funds Offered Yes
App/Platform Myguide Securities, Myguide Flush, Myguide Securities Compass Smart Order and Myguide Securities Tongdaxin
Promotions Not available yet

What is Myguide Securities?

  Myguide Securities, established in 1988, is a prominent securities firm headquartered in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. With a registered capital of 10 billion RMB, it offers a comprehensive suite of securities services that span brokerage, trading, investment consulting, fund sales, asset management, and other related financial advisory services. Operating through a network of 40 branches across the country, Myguide Securities aims to provide its customers with convenient access to the market and superior service quality.

What is Myguide Securities?

Pros and Cons of Myguide Securities

Pros Cons
History and Brand High Fees and Charges
Comprehensive Financial Services Complexity in Usage
Technological Support Slow Account Opening Process
Various Products and Services Unclear Margin Interest Rates
Investment Education and Training


  •   History and Brand:

    •   Myguide Securities boasts a history of over 30 years, and as an established brokerage firm, it enjoys a certain level of recognition and reputation in the market.

    •   Comprehensive Financial Services:

      •   The company offers a comprehensive suite of financial services, including securities brokerage, trading, investment consulting, securities investment fund sales, and more, catering to customers' diverse investment needs.

      •   Technological Support:

        •   Myguide Securities has a nimble and innovative financial technology platform that provides customers with an efficient and convenient trading experience.

        •   Various Products and Services:

          •   Supports trading in various securities such as A-shares, SME Board, ChiNext, Beijing Stock Exchange, STAR Market, futures, and funds.

          •   Offers flexible and reasonable asset allocation and professional securities portfolios, supporting on-market and off-market fund trading.

          •   Investment Education and Training:

            •   Utilizes big data and other technological tools to create investment education products, providing financial knowledge courses, live interactions with investment experts, video explanations, and other methods to help customers enhance their investment capabilities.

            • Cons

              •   High Fees and Charges: One of the main concerns with MyGuide Securities is the relatively high fees and charges. Clients often report that transaction and account maintenance fees can be higher compared to other brokerage firms. This can make trading more expensive, especially for frequent traders.

              •   Complexity in Usage: Some users find the trading platforms offered by MyGuide Securities to be complex and not very user-friendly. There are reports of steep learning curves, which can be challenging for beginners. This complexity can deter less experienced investors from fully utilizing the platform.

              •   Slow Account Opening Process: The account opening process is slow and cumbersome, involving multiple steps and documentation. This can be a significant barrier for new clients looking for a quick and seamless onboarding experience.

              •   Unclear Margin Interest Rates: Margin interest rates are a crucial cost consideration for investors. However, Myguide Securities' margin interest rates are unclear or subject to frequent changes. Investors may face uncertainty when making investment decisions.

              • Is Myguide Securities safe?


                  Myguide Securities operates under stringent regulations established by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), ensuring compliance with national financial laws and industry standards.

                Is Myguide Securities safe?

                Safety Measures

                  Myguide Securities provides detailed risk warnings to its clients. It alerts clients about the volatility and uncertainty of financial markets, including but not limited to stock markets, bond markets, and foreign exchange markets.

                Is Myguide Securities safe?

                What are securities to trade with Myguide Securities?

                  Securities that can be traded with Myguide Securities includes a wide range of financial instruments, given its positioning as a comprehensive financial investment platform.

                •   Stocks:

                  •   Shares of ownership in a company that can be bought and sold on the stock market.

                  •   Myguide Securities provides access to trading in various stocks listed on different exchanges.

                  •   Bonds:

                    •   Debt instruments issued by governments or corporations to raise funds.

                    •   Investors lend money to the issuer for a fixed period and receive interest payments in return.

                    •   Myguide Securities offers trading in government bonds, corporate bonds, and other types of debt securities.

                    •   Mutual Funds:

                      •   Investment funds that pool money from many investors and invest in a variety of securities, such as stocks, bonds, and other assets.

                      •   Myguide Securities provides access to various mutual funds, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios.

                      •   Exchange-Traded Funds:

                        •   Similar to mutual funds, but ETFs trade on exchanges like stocks.

                        •   They often track a specific index or sector and provide investors with diversified exposure.

                        •   Options:

                          •   Derivative contracts that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specified price on or before a specified date.

                          •   Myguide Securities offers options trading, allowing investors to hedge risks or speculate on price movements.

                          •   Futures:

                            •   Derivative contracts obligating the buyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset at a predetermined future date and price.

                            •   Futures trading is commonly used for hedging and speculative purposes.

                            •   Other Derivatives:

                              •   Myguide Securities also offers trading in other derivatives, such as swaps, forwards, and other complex financial instruments.

                              • What are securities to trade with Myguide Securities?

                                Myguide Securities Fees Review

                                  The firms fee structure is complex and varies depending on the services used. Here's a brief summary of it:

                                •   Commissions: Up to 3‰ of transaction value with a minimum of 5 yuan (around $0.75) for both buy and sell sides.

                                •   Additional Fees:

                                  •   A-shares: 1‰ stamp duty on transaction value (seller fee).

                                  •   Bonds: 0.01% overdraft fee on transaction value (both sides).

                                  •   ETFs: 0.0565% transaction fee on transaction value (both sides).

                                  •   Hong Kong Stocks: 0.02% transaction fee + 0.0015% accounting fee (both sides).

                                Myguide Securities Fees Review
                                Myguide Securities Fees Review

                                Myguide Securities App Review

                                  Yongxing Securities offers the following apps and platforms suitable for mobile devices and computers respectively:

                                Mobile Platform

                                  Myguide Securities and Myguide Flush: You can get the latest stock market information quickly and get a one-stop analysis of all kinds of information. High-quality stocks and blue-chip stocks are pushed quickly, so you can buy them immediately without missing a single second. Both of these software support Apple and Android systems.

                                Myguide Securities App Review

                                PC Platforms

                                  Myguide Securities Compass Smart Order and Myguide Securities Tongdaxin

                                  Clearly understand the recent stock trends, and combine multiple knowledge systems to help you accurately lock in high-quality stocks with Myguide Securities Compass Smart Order and Myguide Securities Tongdaxin. The operation is simple and easy to learn, and you can easily trade stocks at home.

                                Myguide Securities App Review

                                Research and Eduation

                                  The analysis and educational resources of Myguide Securities are one of the important services it provides to investors. The following is a clear breakdown of its analysis and educational resources:

                                •   Analyze resources

                                  •   Big data investment and research capabilities: Myguide Securities utilizes big data, cloud computing, and AI technology to form a strong investment and research capability. This ability enables Maigao Securities to provide more personalized, scenario based, and intelligent wealth services, helping investors make wiser investment decisions.

                                  •   Rapid and stable trading channels and systems: Myguide Securities has a full memory, full business centralized trading system (A5 trading system), which supports tens of millions of trading orders and provides investors with fast and uninterrupted clearing and trading services. This efficient trading system helps investors seize investment opportunities in a rapidly changing market.

                                  •   Rich trading variety support: Myguide Securities supports trading on the Shanghai A Main Board, Shenzhen A Main Board, SME Board, Growth Enterprise Board, Beijing Stock Exchange, Science and Technology Innovation Board, futures, funds, and other platforms, providing investors with diversified investment choices.

                                  •   Educational resources

                                    •   Investment education products and content: Myguide Securities uses big data and other technological means to create “understandable” investment education products and new media content, creating the most valuable investment education content for users and helping them transform financial knowledge into rational investment concepts and abilities.

                                    •   Financial knowledge courses: Myguide Securities has independently developed a series of simple and easy to understand financial knowledge courses, allowing every investor to quickly get started, upgrade, and keep up with the times. These courses cover multiple aspects of investment fundamentals, technical analysis, and investment strategies.

                                    •   Expert consultation and interaction: Investment experts from Myguide Securities regularly answer questions and provide personalized investment consulting services to users through live broadcasts, video explanations, and other means. This interactive consulting approach helps investors better understand market dynamics and investment opportunities.

                                    Research and Eduation

                                    Customer Service

                                      Myguide Securities offers customer service through various channels to address your banking needs and inquiries. Here's a breakdown of the options:

                                      Phone: 400-618-3355

                                      Email: service@mgzq.com

                                      Company Address: No. 49, Reonao Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang City, Liaoning

                                      The manual service time is from 9:00 a.m to 20:00 p.m.

                                    Customer Service


                                      Myguide Securities is outstanding in the financial market for its robust platform and commitment to customer security. One of its key strengths lies in its comprehensive anti-fraud and anti-money laundering measures, designed to protect investors' funds and enhance their trading experience. These measures, coupled with its user-friendly interface and educational resources, make Myguide Securities an ideal choice for investors seeking a secure and informed trading environment. However, the lack of clarity in Myguide Securities' margin interest rates is indeed a disadvantage. Whether you are a professional trader or a novice looking to diversify your investment portfolio, Myguide Securities offers the tools and resources necessary to navigate the financial markets confidently.


                                      Is Myguide Securities safe to trade?

                                      Myguide Securities is considered safe to trade due to its integration with a larger financial group, robust security measures, user-friendly platform, and regulatory oversight.

                                      Is Myguide Securities a good platform for beginners?

                                      Myguide Securities' user-friendly app, educational resources, and secure platform make it a good choice for beginners who are just starting out in investing. Beginners can easily set up an account, stay informed about market movements, learn the basics of investing, and trade securely on Myguide Securities' platform.

                                      Is Myguide Securities good for investing/retirement?

                                      While Myguide Securities demonstrates some strength in fixed-income investment products, there is limited information regarding its suitability for investing or retirement planning. Investors should thoroughly evaluate their investment goals, risk tolerance, and whether Myguide Securities offers the necessary services and products to meet their retirement planning requirements.

                                    Risk Warning

                                      The information provided is based on WikiStock's expert evaluation of the brokerage's website data and is subject to change. Besides, online trading entails substantial risks, potentially leading to total loss of invested funds, so comprehending associated risks before engaging is crucial.



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Years in Business

1-2 years


Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

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