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Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

Surpassed 11.48% brokers

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Obtain 1 securities license(s)


ChinaSecurities Trading License

Global Seats

Owns 2 seat(s)

China BSE

Seat No. 000054


China SZSE

Seat No. 000696


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The gene index is Poor, worse than 92% of brokerage firms.

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The APP rating is Good, better than 72% of peers.

Company Profile

Huaxing Securities
Huaxing Securities
WikiStock Rating ⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐
Fees Huaxing Securities charges commissions up to 2.9854% for A-shares, 3% for ETFs and bonds, and varying rates for repurchase agreements, excluding stamp duty and transfer fees.
Mutual Funds Offered Yes
App/Platform Huaxing Securities Duoduo Jin APP, Huaxing Securities Yingjia PC Terminal Professional Edition, Huaxing Securities Intelligent Trading System


  Huaxing Securities offers low fees and user-friendly trading apps, providing a comprehensive range of investment services. It stands out for its advanced trading platforms and robust customer support. However, the complexity of its services might be challenging for beginners.



  Huaxing Securities offers a robust range of services and advanced trading platforms, supported by comprehensive regulatory oversight and robust security measures. However, some clients may find the fee structure and the complexity of services daunting, especially for beginners. The firm's strong research and educational resources are a significant advantage for informed investing.

Pros Cons
  • Regulated by CSRC, ensuring compliance with strict regulatory standards
  • Fee structure may be complex for some investors
  • Robust safety measures, including advanced encryption and segregated accounts
  • High-net-worth focus may not cater to all investors
  • Comprehensive range of services: brokerage, investment banking, asset management, wealth management
  • Some services may be more suitable for professional investors
  • Extensive customer support with multiple contact options
  • Limited physical presence outside of major cities
  • Advanced trading platforms: Duoduo Jin APP, Yingjia PC Terminal, Intelligent Trading System
  • Strong educational and research resources available online

  Huaxing Securities is a well-regulated and secure brokerage offering a wide range of investment services and advanced trading platforms. Their comprehensive educational and research resources make them a strong choice for informed investors. However, their fee structure and service complexity may be challenging for some clients, and their focus on high-net-worth individuals might not suit all investor profiles.


  Regulation by CSRC

  Huaxing Securities is regulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards and providing a secure investment environment for clients.

Regulation by CSRC


  Funds Safety

  Huaxing Securities implements robust measures to ensure the safety of client funds. These include segregated accounts to keep client funds separate from the company's operational funds. The company also participates in investor protection funds, providing insurance coverage for client accounts. Specific insurance amounts may vary, and clients are advised to contact customer support for detailed information.

  Safety Measures

  Huaxing Securities employs advanced encryption technologies to protect the security of stored funds. They also implement comprehensive account security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and regular security audits, to prevent unauthorized access and safeguard user information. These measures are designed to ensure the highest level of security for client accounts and data integrity.


  Huajing Securities offers a diverse range of services to meet various investment needs:

  Securities Brokerage

  Huajing Securities provides a platform for trading a wide array of securities, including stocks, bonds, ETFs, and derivatives. The brokerage service is designed to facilitate smooth and efficient transactions, supported by advanced trading tools and real-time market data.

Securities Brokerage

  Investment Banking

  The company offers comprehensive investment banking services, including underwriting, mergers and acquisitions, and advisory services for corporate clients. These services are tailored to help businesses raise capital, navigate complex transactions, and achieve strategic growth.

Investment Banking

  Asset Management

  Huajing Securities offers asset management services that cater to individual and institutional investors. These services include the management of portfolios composed of various asset classes, providing personalized investment strategies and financial solutions aimed at achieving specific financial goals.

Asset Management

  Wealth Management

  The wealth management division focuses on providing personalized financial planning and advisory services. This includes retirement planning, estate planning, and other wealth preservation strategies designed to meet the unique needs of high-net-worth individuals and families.

Wealth Management

  Research and Analysis

  Huajing Securities offers robust research and analysis services, providing clients with valuable insights into market trends, economic forecasts, and investment opportunities. The research team covers a wide range of sectors and industries, delivering in-depth reports and strategic recommendations.

Research and Analysis

  These services are designed to support a wide range of investment needs, from individual investors seeking to grow their personal wealth to corporate clients looking to expand their business operations.


  General Information

  In response to the China Securities Regulatory Commission's announcement on reducing securities transaction handling fees, Huaxing Securities has adjusted its commission rates for both individual and institutional investors. This adjustment aims to lower the overall cost of trading for investors.

  Adjusted Commission Rates

  Stock Trading Commissions

  For A-shares and depositary receipts, existing investors will see a reduction in their commission rate by 0.00146 percent from the original rate. For block trades of A-shares on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, the commission will be reduced by 0.001022 percent from the original rate. For new investors opening accounts from August 28, 2023, the new handling fee standards and reduced commission rates will apply to their stock transactions.

  Specific Rates for Different Securities

  For Shanghai and Shenzhen A-shares, depositary receipts, ETFs, LOF funds, and closed-end funds, the commission will not exceed 2.9854 percent of the transaction amount, with a minimum of five yuan. For Hong Kong Stock Connect and convertible bonds, the commission will not exceed 3 percent of the transaction amount, with a minimum of five yuan. For treasury bonds, enterprise bonds, and private bonds, the commission will not exceed 0.2 percent of the transaction amount, with a minimum of one yuan.

  For treasury repurchase agreements, the commission rates vary by the duration of the repurchase. A one-day repurchase is charged at a maximum of 0.001 percent of the transaction amount. Two-day and three-day repurchases are charged at 0.002 percent and 0.003 percent respectively. Four-day repurchases are charged at 0.004 percent, and seven-day repurchases at 0.005 percent. For fourteen-day repurchases, the rate is 0.01 percent. Twenty-eight-day repurchases are charged at 0.02 percent, ninety-one-day repurchases at 0.03 percent, and one hundred eighty-two-day repurchases at 0.03 percent.

  Additional Notes

  The commission includes fees collected on behalf of the securities exchanges, such as handling fees and regulatory fees, but does not include stamp duty, transfer fees, and other secondary fees. The commission is calculated based on the transaction amount multiplied by the rate, with the total commission being the sum of all transactions under the same order number. The commission is directly deducted from the client's account. The standards for handling fees, regulatory fees, stamp duty, and the securities settlement risk fund are determined by regulatory authorities and can be found on the websites of the exchanges and the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation.

Additional Notes


  Huaxing Securities Duoduo Jin APP

  The Huaxing Securities Duoduo Jin APP is a comprehensive investment platform designed to cater to the diverse needs of investors. This application integrates several essential functions to facilitate efficient and user-friendly trading experiences. It offers real-time market quotes, ensuring that investors are always up to date with the latest market trends. The app provides timely and accurate financial news and insights, covering macroeconomic developments, market trends, and individual stock analyses. Through the app, users can open accounts and execute trades seamlessly. Additionally, the platform features educational resources aimed at enhancing investors' knowledge and skills. Account management capabilities are also integrated, allowing users to oversee their assets, conduct fund transfers between bank and brokerage accounts, and manage their portfolios efficiently.

Huaxing Securities Duoduo Jin APP

  Huaxing Securities Yingjia PC Terminal Professional Edition

  The Huaxing Securities Yingjia PC Terminal Professional Edition is a specialized online trading software designed for desktop users. This software employs advanced internet communication technologies to deliver a robust and efficient trading experience. It provides real-time market data refresh capabilities, allowing investors to stay informed of the latest market developments. The software also offers a wealth of information, including market news, industry analyses, and company reports, ensuring that investors have access to comprehensive data to support their decision-making processes. Essential trading functionalities are included, such as stock trading, fund transfers between bank and brokerage accounts, and new stock subscriptions. The professional edition is tailored to offer a smooth and professional trading experience, ensuring stability and efficiency for its users.

Huaxing Securities Yingjia PC Terminal Professional Edition

  Huaxing Securities Intelligent Trading System

  The Huaxing Securities Intelligent Trading System is a sophisticated platform designed for professional investors who employ strategic trading methods. This system provides real-time market quotes and facilitates various securities transactions, ensuring that investors can operate efficiently and effectively. The platform also supports fund transfers between bank and brokerage accounts, catering to the financial management needs of its users. A key feature of this system is its support for strategic trading, providing tools and functionalities that enable investors to implement complex trading strategies. This system is designed to enhance the convenience and efficacy of professional trading activities.

Huaxing Securities Intelligent Trading System

  Huaxing Securities MD5 Checksum Tool

  The Huaxing Securities MD5 Checksum Tool is a security utility designed to verify the integrity of downloaded files. This tool ensures that the files downloaded from the Huaxing Securities website are complete and have not been tampered with. Users can download the MD5 checksum tool from the official website and use it to generate an MD5 checksum for the downloaded file. They can then compare this checksum with the one provided on the website. If the checksums match, the file is confirmed to be intact and safe for installation. If they do not match, the file may be incomplete or have been altered, and users are advised not to use it and to contact customer support for assistance.

Huaxing Securities MD5 Checksum Tool

  These software tools offered by Huaxing Securities provide investors with a range of capabilities to support their trading activities, ensuring a secure, efficient, and comprehensive investment experience.

Research and Eduation

  Huaxing Securities offers a comprehensive education and research platform designed to empower investors. Their Investor Education Center (https://www.huajingsec.com/cn/investorcorner/)includes detailed guides on various investment topics, insights into market mechanics, and strategic investment advice. The platform also features sections on anti-illegal securities activities and anti-money laundering, providing crucial information to help investors avoid fraudulent activities and stay compliant with regulations. This educational content ensures that investors are well-equipped to make informed and ethical investment decisions.

Research and Eduation

Customer Service

  Huaxing Securities provides extensive customer support to ensure clients receive timely and effective assistance. They offer multiple contact options, including a dedicated phone line at 400-156-8888 and a fax line at 021-60156680. Customers can also reach out via email at ZGYY@huaxingsec.com for inquiries and support.

  Their customer support team is based at their headquarters in Shanghai, located at 1089 Dongdaming Road, North Bund Raffles City - East Tower. This central location ensures they are well-positioned to assist with a wide range of client needs and provide comprehensive support services. The postal code for correspondence is 200080.

Customer Service


  Huaxing Securities is a well-regulated brokerage firm known for its low fees and user-friendly trading platforms, including the Duoduo Jin APP and Yingjia PC Terminal. The company offers a wide range of investment services, including securities brokerage, investment banking, asset management, and wealth management. While it provides robust customer support and extensive educational resources, the complexity of its services may pose challenges for beginners. Overall, Huaxing Securities is a strong choice for informed investors seeking comprehensive financial services.


  Is Huaxing Securities safe to trade?

  Yes, Huaxing Securities is regulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), ensuring a secure trading environment with robust safety measures and fund protection.

  Is Huaxing Securities a good platform for beginners?

  Huaxing Securities offers user-friendly trading apps and extensive educational resources, but the complexity of its services might be challenging for beginners.

  Is Huaxing Securities legit?

  Yes, Huaxing Securities is a legitimate brokerage firm regulated by the CSRC, providing comprehensive investment services and maintaining high standards of security and compliance.

Risk Warning

  The information provided is based on WikiStock's expert evaluation of the brokerage's website data and is subject to change. Besides, online trading entails substantial risks, potentially leading to total loss of invested funds, so comprehending associated risks before engaging is crucial.


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Years in Business

5-10 years

Regulated Countries



Securities Lending Fully Paid、Margin Loans、Annuities、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Investment Advisory Service、Options、Stocks、ETFs、Mutual Funds

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