


Japan10-15 years
Regulated in JapanOptionsCommission 0.10477%



Time Machine

Rating Index

Brokerage Appraisal



Influence Index NO.1




Securities Lending Fully Paid、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Options、Stocks

〒450-0003 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅南 1-24-30 名古屋三井ビル本館

Securities license

Obtain 1 securities license(s)


JapanSecurities Trading License

Global Seats

Owns 1 seat(s)

Japan NSE



Brokerage Information


Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Platform registered country and region


Company address

〒450-0003 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅南 1-24-30 名古屋三井ビル本館

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WikiStock APP

Internet Gene

Gene Index

The gene index is Poor, worse than 0% of brokerage firms.

APP Rating

The APP rating is Poor, worse than 0% of peers.

Features of Brokerages

Commission Rate


New Stock Trading


Regulated Countries




Company Profile

  Note: The information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies. In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

  In this review, if there is a conflict between the image and the text content, the text content should prevail. However, we recommend that you open the official website for further consultation.

Sanen Securities
WikiStock Rating ⭐⭐⭐
Custody Fee Maximum account transfer fee of ¥5,500 (including tax) per security when transferring to another account
Account Management FeeFree
Domestic Stock Trading FeeUp to 1.20172% (including tax), minimum fee of ¥2,750 (including tax)
Foreign Stock Trading FeeUp to 1.375% (including tax)
Convertible Bond Trading FeeUp to 1.10% (including tax), minimum fee of ¥2,750 (including tax)
Investment Trust FeeFront-end load fees up to 3.85% (including tax),
Annual management fees up to 2.09% (including tax)
Redemption fees up to 0.3% (including tax) of the respective amounts
Margin Trading FeeUp to 1.20172% (including tax), minimum fee of ¥2,750 (including tax)
Mutual Funds Offered Not Mentioned
App/PlatformNot Mentioned
Promotions Unavailable

Sanen Securities Information

  Sanen Securities is regulated by the Financial Services Agency (FSA). The company provides access to both domestic and foreign securities markets, including stocks from the U.S. and China, as well as various bonds and investment trusts with a transparent fee structure. Sanen Securities ensures that investors can navigate the complexities of global financial markets with comprehensive customer service.

Sanen Securities' homepage

Pros & Cons

Regulated by FSALimited Information on Mutual Funds
Diverse Investment OptionsPlatform Information Not Provided
Transparent Fee StructureContact Form Under Maintenance


  Regulated by FSA: Being regulated by the FSA ensures that Sanen Securities adheres to strict standards, offering clients a level of security and reliability in financial transactions.

  Diverse Investment Options: Sanen Securities provides access to a wide range of investment products including domestic and foreign stocks, bonds, and investment trusts.

  Transparent Fee Structure: The fee structure is clearly outlined, helping clients understand costs associated with trading and investments upfront, fostering transparency and trust.


  Limited Information on Mutual Funds: Information about mutual fund offerings is not provided, which can limit options for investors seeking diversified fund investments.

  Platform Information Not Provided: There is no detailed information about the trading platform, including its features, usability, and accessibility. This can be a significant disadvantage for traders who rely on robust and user-friendly platforms for their trading activities.

  Contact Form Under Maintenance: The current unavailability of the contact form will inconvenience clients seeking to initiate inquiries or transactions online.

Is Sanen Securities Safe?

  Sanen Securities is regulated by the oversight of the oversight of the Financial Services Agency (FSA). This regulatory framework ensures that the company adheres to stringent standards designed to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the financial market. By adhering to the regulations, Sanen Securities ensures that its operations are conducted with the utmost professionalism and accountability, instilling confidence in its clients and stakeholders.

Regulated by FSA

What are Securities to Trade with Sanen Securities?

  Sanen Securities' offerings encompass both domestic and foreign stocks, including U.S. and Chinese stocks. In addition to stocks, Sanen Securities facilitates trading in domestic and foreign bonds, enabling clients to diversify their portfolios with fixed-income instruments from various regions. Furthermore, they offer investment trusts, providing options for those seeking professionally managed funds to achieve specific investment objectives.

What are Securities to Trade with Sanen Securities?

Sanen Securities Fees Review

  Custody Fees: Sanen Securities does not charge account management fees for holding securities such as stocks, preferred securities, foreign securities, and other securities. However, a maximum account transfer fee of ¥5,500 (including tax) per security may apply when transferring securities to another account via the Japan Securities Depository Center.


  • Trading Fees: For domestic stocks, the trading commission is up to 1.20172% of the transaction amount (including tax), with a minimum fee of ¥2,750 (including tax) if the commission amount falls below this threshold.
  • Accumulated Investment: A flat trading fee of 1.265% (including tax) applies.
  • Foreign Stocks: Trading foreign stocks incurs a maximum trading fee of 1.375% (including tax) of the transaction amount. Additional fees and charges related to foreign transactions, such as exchange fees, taxes, and levies, vary based on market conditions and local regulations.


  • When purchasing bonds through issuance or direct transactions with Sanen Securities, only the purchase price is payable. Bonds are subject to price fluctuations due to changes in interest rates, stock markets, exchange rates, real estate markets, and commodity markets, causing losses.

  Convertible Bonds:

  • Trading convertible bonds listed on the domestic market incurs a maximum trading fee of 1.10% (including tax) of the transaction amount, with a minimum fee of ¥2,750 (including tax) if the commission amount falls below this threshold. Convertible bonds are also subject to risks such as price declines of underlying stocks and fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates.

  Investment Trusts:

  • Fees for investment trusts include:
    • Front-end load fees up to 3.85% (including tax) of the subscription amount.
    • Annual management fees up to 2.09% (including tax) of the net asset value.
    • Redemption fees up to 0.3% (including tax) of the redemption amount.
    • Additional costs such as audit fees and transaction fees will apply, varying by product.

  Margin Trading (Credit Transactions):

  • Trading on margin incurs a maximum trading commission of 1.20172% (including tax) of the transaction amount, with a minimum fee of ¥2,750 (including tax) if the commission amount falls below this threshold. Margin trading involves risks where losses can exceed the initial margin deposit due to fluctuations in stock prices.
Fee details 1
Fee details 2

Customer Service

  Sanen Securities provides a comprehensive and accessible customer support network. Their support team can be reached through different channels for ultimate convenience.

  • Tel: 052-561-1811
  • Zip code: 〒450-0003
  • Address: 1-24-30 Meieki Minami, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi Nagoya Mitsui Building Main Building
  • Contact form: The contact form is currently under maintenance.
Contact info
Contact form is under maintenance


  In conclusion, Sanen Securities presents itself as a regulated and comprehensive trading platform, offering a broad spectrum of investment opportunities encompassing domestic and foreign stocks, bonds, and investment trusts. However, the current unavailability of their online contact form and platform specifics can impact convenience. Now, the ball's in your court when it comes to choosing whether to go with this broker or explore other options. Hopefully, this review has shed some light on your decision-making process.


  Is Sanen Securities suitable for beginners?

  Yes, Sanen Securities is suitable for beginners due to its user-friendly platform, transparent fee structure, and comprehensive customer support.

  Is Sanen Securities legit?

  Yes, Sanen Securities is regulated by FSA.

  What investment products does Sanen Securities offer?

  Domestic and foreign stocks (including U.S. and Chinese stocks), bonds, convertible bonds, and investment trusts.

Risk Warning

  The information provided is based on WikiStock's expert evaluation of the brokerage's website data and is subject to change. Besides, online trading entails substantial risks, potentially leading to total loss of invested funds, so comprehending associated risks before engaging is crucial.


Registered region


Years in Business

10-15 years


Securities Lending Fully Paid、Bonds & Fixed Income、Futures、Options、Stocks


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